Azobe Slabs

from $3,597.11

Other names: Ekki, Iron Redwood

Resistance to fungi: ★★★★
Resistance to dry wood borers: ★★★★
Resistance to termites: ★★★★
Impregnability: ★
Stability: ★★
*on a 4-star system

Uses: Furniture, Musical Instruments, Inlay, Carving

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Other names: Ekki, Iron Redwood

Resistance to fungi: ★★★★
Resistance to dry wood borers: ★★★★
Resistance to termites: ★★★★
Impregnability: ★
Stability: ★★
*on a 4-star system

Uses: Furniture, Musical Instruments, Inlay, Carving

Other names: Ekki, Iron Redwood

Resistance to fungi: ★★★★
Resistance to dry wood borers: ★★★★
Resistance to termites: ★★★★
Impregnability: ★
Stability: ★★
*on a 4-star system

Uses: Furniture, Musical Instruments, Inlay, Carving


Azobe is a dense and heavy hardwood highly valued for its strength and durability.  

It is a popular choice for outdoor construction projects in both residential and commercial settings due to its ability to withstand harsh weather conditions, including exposure to sun, rain, and saltwater.  

Azobe Is naturally resistant to decay, insects, and fungi, making it a reliable option for structures that require long-lasting support. One of the unique characteristics of Azobe is its distinctive interlocking grain pattern, which enhances its strength and stability.  

Azobe has a reddish-brown color that darkens over time, creating a beautiful and rich patina. Its natural oils help to preserve the wood and give it a smooth finish that is easy to maintain. 

It's commonly used for applications such as bridge and wharf construction, railway sleepers, and marine piling. It is also used for flooring, decking, and outdoor furniture.  

Its hardness and durability make it a suitable choice for heavy-duty applications, while its aesthetic qualities make it a popular choice for decorative elements. 

Azobe Is a slow-growing species that can reach up to 50 meters and has a lifespan of up to 100 years. It is found in tropical rainforests in West and Central Africa and is harvested sustainably to ensure the continued availability of this valuable resource.